The philosophy of Contemplative Photography makes me ever mindful, whether I am in a coffee shop, on a forest walk or looking at the floor of an arts store. There are amazing visual textures and designs to be to be seen everywhere.
“Fully connect with the visual richness of our ordinary, daily experience.
As one develops an ability to look and see one opens up, more and more, to the natural inspiration of one’s surroundings.
Perceive things in new ways and expand your thinking seeing, and photography.
Contemplative photography is about seizing the present moment as one would delicately hold a poppy without shedding its petals. It is about non-attachment; one has nothing to lose and nothing to gain, but everything to offer to the eyes of the viewer.
It is an approach to photography that nourishes our spiritual life rather than distracting us from it.”
Andy Karr, Jay Maisel Matthias Ricard.